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Driving Instructor News

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effective communication

Effective Communication with Pupils as an ADI

As an Approved Driving Instructor (ADI), one of the most important skills you need, in addition to technical knowledge of driving, is...

How To Work Out Your Hourly Rate as A Driving Instructor

Becoming an Approved Driving Instructor (ADI) is a rewarding career as it offers flexibility and the chance to help learners gain the...
making a learner feel comofortable

How to Make Pupils Feel Comfortable as an ADI

Being an Approved Driving Instructor (ADI) is a job that boasts a number of key responsibilities, including helping your pupils feel comfortable...
driving school vs independent ADI

Should I Join a Driving School as a Driving Instructor?

Deciding whether to join a driving school or operate as an independent Approved Driving Instructor (ADI) is one of the most important...
ADI qualities

What Are the Best Qualities of a Driving Instructor?

Driving is a lifelong skill, and the journey to mastering it begins with the right guidance. For learner drivers, choosing a driving...
driving instructor mistakes

10 Mistakes to Avoid as a Driving Instructor

Being a successful Approved Driving Instructor (ADI) requires patience, professionalism, and a strong understanding of both driving skills and teaching methods. While...
driving instructor stress

Is it Stressful Being a Driving Instructor?

Being an approved driving instructor (ADI) is a rewarding yet demanding profession. While it allows instructors to help learner drivers develop essential...
waiting list management for ADIs

Waiting List Management for ADIs

As an Approved Driving Instructor (ADI), managing your time effectively is crucial. With the growing demand for driving lessons across the UK,...

How to Get More Pupils as a Driving Instructor?

As a driving instructor, building a consistent pipeline of pupils is crucial for maintaining a steady income and ensuring the sustainability of...

Common Issues Learners Have with Their Driving Instructor

Learning to drive is a significant milestone for many young people in the UK, representing a step towards greater independence and freedom....