Can you take your driving test in your own car?
When going into your driving test you have a few options for cars that you can use. Often people use their driving...
When is the best time and day of the week to book your driving...
Driving tests are among the most stressful days we can encounter, and it is natural to look for any kind of advantage...
Ultimate Provisional Licence Guide and FAQ
We’ve put together this handy guide on the most frequently asked questions about provisional driver’s licences. We know that getting your provisional...
Collingwood Insurance collaborate with RoadHow to bring free app to all customers
At Collingwood Insurance, we’re on a mission to make life easier for all learner drivers. That...
How do I renew a provisional driving licence?
When learning to drive, one of the first steps is normally applying for your provisional licence. Obtaining your...
Can a Learner Drive With Passengers?
Learning to drive is an exciting milestone for many young people in the UK. As a learner driver, you must adhere to...
What Should I Do After I Have Passed My Driving Test?
Passing your driving test is a monumental achievement, signifying your readiness to drive independently and responsibly. This milestone is not only a...
I’ve lost my Theory Test Certificate! What can I do?
Losing your theory test certificate can feel like a huge setback, especially when you're excited about moving on to the next stage...
5 Apps for learning to drive in the UK
With so many learner driver apps available on iOS and Android devices, it can sometimes be tricky to find the best learner-driver...
Does learner driver insurance count towards a No Claims Bonus?
When you are learning to drive, there are many costs to consider. And those costs don't not stop after you have passed...